
GitHub For Dummies Readers

This is a repository where all GitHub For Dummies readers can add a link to their GitHub profile! Table | GitHub Handle | Fun Fact | |——————————|——————————————————————————| | @feriv7 | I drink 5 to 10 cups of coffee daily | | @sguthals | I have a dog and two cats! | | @haacked | I love formatting markdown. | | @hedyhyry | I love light themes. | | @KalenKnox | I crochet while listening to heavy metal. | | @faalbers | I’m into drones. | | @kochub | I love reading books | | @AndrewParkerTechnicalTester | The table formatting still works regardless of the alignment of the raw text | | @ralamo | I like making pie. | | @ogriff17 | This is me making changes to the ReadMe file. | | @nikkif24 | I am excited to be learning this software. | | @nikkif24 | It worked! | | @nikkif24 | I figured it out?!? | | @jtaylaj | I’m watching my personal Twilight Zone Marathon | | @shantimohan | Just getting into drones | | @alinvlad05 | I love For Dummies Books | | @david-clapper | I’m into lucid dreaming | | @markalbrand56 | I love racing games | | @riddler | Just testing | | @sLiolaitis | I am able to eat 1 kilogram of meat at once | | @Shepherd921 | I am into table top games. | | @benbdon | The Midwest isn’t flyover country | | @ali | I’m just adding myself | | @phoye-developer | This is a test. | | @SimenXiaoSiu | It is a test.Updated again. | | @kloidulent | Alligators are native to the USA and China only. | | @BenRogersWPG | I read over 460 books in 2020 and am aiming for 500 this year! | | @chris-miner | My birth year is decomposable into prime numbers! | | @AndrewParkerTechnicalTester | I’ve been here before and have come back to say hello again :) | | @neuhart | Test | | @tcpint21 | I’m nice sexy tiger | | @LionetChen | I borrowed this book from Parramatta Library, NSW Australia! (Update origin) | | @kcollinsfx | This is cool. Never thought I would be learning how to use Github!!! | | @jimbo | Das ist cool, Github | | @lextor99 | I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, French and Japanese | | @Menotomy | Hello from Virginia USA! | | @istvanpetro | I’m not sure, what I’m doing now… :D | | @jimbo | Das ist cool, GitHub | | @dfulmer | Adding myself. | | @swmwy | Check out my project! |
| @MiguelMolina16 | I like github so much :) | | @4043094 | I hope this works! |
| @CollierD558 | Just testing | | @mayafl2020. | I’m starting my new journey as an Automation Testing Engineer! :smile: | | @NikitaKarthikeyan | I like github | | @Mrake5 | Another test | | @zhishuaizhang | add me, add me | | @ElliotJKing | My favorite board game is Monopoly. | | @scitics-io | I’m just testing | @fsansegundo | I have seen the Ibisbill |